Wednesday, June 1, 2016

One to One Recognition

So the video below is my attempt at learning how to teach children one to one recognition. Using Marie Clay's work as a guide this video will show process of teaching one to one matching. The process is one that reinforces to children what a word is. The accuracy of their reading comes later. This is about matching the words on the page to the words coming out of the child's mouth.

You'll see this in three steps:

  1. They will follow toys with their finger
  2. They will say something as they point...introducing audio
  3. They will point to words on a pages 
and for a bonus
  1. They will be flexible with this process.
Once again the purpose of the exercises are to reinforce what a word is. To show students that the whit space matters. This could have huge ESL implications too. Think of a student who reads right to left or vertically, reading English would be daunting. These simple procedures will be of a huge benefit.

The video is not perfect but I hope you enjoy. 

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