Wednesday, September 7, 2016

A Preview of the Year

This year I will be embarking on a new voyage. I am still going to be a middle school English teacher (7th and 8th) and I will still have my section of AP English. But this year, I am going to finally start becoming an instructional coach. This is well before my 5 year plan, so I am pumped. I will not be getting into much detail about it right now, as I have a 2 year crying in his crib and I still have loads of work to do, but I thought I'd give a small preview of what I am going to try to accomplish this year.

1. PLC- I am starting a PLC in my building (I know we are behind the curve) and we are going to focus on the book "Teach Like a Pirate"
2. PD- I am offering PD in reading strategies, writing strategies, how data can inform curriculum and instruction, among many other opportunities
3.  Conference- I will be a break out presenter at the KSRA conference. I am hoping to eventually publish a paper but who knows.

I will keep you posted. So far I am excited!!